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The Social Media Guide for Business Owners: To follow or not to follow?


The Social Media Guide for Business Owners: To follow or not to follow?

Philadelphia Online Reputation Management No Comment

Who should you follow through your business social media?

One of the greatest advantages of social media is the ability to connect your business with a large amount of people who you wouldn’t regularly connect with. You can make these connections through your posts and content. Another way to make those connections is by creating mutual follows with your customers through your business social media accounts. Social Media is a two way street; when you give a little love, you can get a little love. Keep in mind that these tips can be applied to all types of social media.

So who do I follow?

Strategy #1

You follow anyone who follows you. This is a good strategy if you are just starting out and don’t have too many followers. By using this “follow-back” strategy, you encourage your followers to further promote, love, and share your business with others. Having a “Mutual Follow” makes it less likely that those followers will ever decide to unfollow you. On a side note, keep in mind when following people that this is your business social media account, not your personal account.

So what if I have too many followers on your social media accounts and I can’t possibly keep track of everyone?

Strategy #2

You don’t have to necessarily follow everyone, especially if it is impossible to possibly keep track of all of your followers. For this strategy, follow back any of the followers who are truly valuable to your business. This includes anybody who regularly reposts the things you share on your social media and are consistently there to support your business. Investigate your followers, do any of them have a large number of followers themselves? The more followers they have, the more valuable these networkers can be to your business.

What else should I know?

Strategy #3

Another thing to remember is that while creating mutual follows with your customers is a great way to network, it’s not the only way to give back that little love. When a customer comments on your posts with valuable feedback (whether it is a concern, compliment or question), you should make it a rule to respond to as many as possible. If someone took the time to comment on your posts treat it as any other social interaction. That means thanking them and remaining respectful to their opinions. The internet is most definitely NOT the place to get defensive or argumentative.

Take the time to go and like posts on your customers’ social media accounts whether or not you follow them. Do this especially if they make a post about your business or share something that you posted. This shows customers how attentive and aware you are as a business owner.

Social Media Management takes time and a significant amount of attention. This is another added stress, but it is crucial to your business’ quality of customer service and customers will definitely notice the attitude you present in your interactions on social media.

Above all, remain positive with your social media! Contact StepUpYourRep for a free consultation today for more information about StepUpYourRep’s social media services.

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