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The Social Media Guide For Business Owners: Facebook Edition

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StepUpYourRep in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

So you know you need to get involved with social media, but you’re really not sure to how to navigate social media as a business owner. Should you be on all of the social media websites?  What kind of posts should you make on facebook vs. twitter? These, among other questions, are probably what make you hesitate about the whole social media marketing craze.  Don’t be disenchanted with social media and avoid it, it’s a cost free and relatively risk free way to advertise. Consulting with specialists might be a good option for you, but to get a head start on the whole process, we have a beginner’s guide to social media.


Facebook is the baseline Social Media Service. It does a great job of providing any kind of social media tool you desire. Marketing through Facebook is about connecting directly with your customers and networking through the community.

Why bother with getting a Facebook for my business?

When people search for your business and they want to get more general understanding of what your business does, the first search result they will click is what is most familiar to them: Facebook. Facebook is a universal tool and a database to find information. Utilize it as a way to present the most positive image of your company.

What can Facebook do that other social media services can’t?

Facebook is the full package. It combines the best aspects of multiple different social media services. As a business owner you can make posts and statuses of any length, advertise your company, post pictures, and have a way to directly contact and connect with your customers.

What should I not do on Facebook as a business owner?

The number one thing to avoid doing is creating your business’ Facebook page and then just abandoning it. When customers see that you have not kept your Facebook up to date, they will think of it as a reflection of your business’ attention to detail. And as with all Social Media Services, keep things mostly professional. You want Facebook to help your image, not harm it.

Facebook is the first Social Media Service you should begin utilizing in your social media journey, it’s a great way to learn the ropes of social media in the business world and it is a service you are most likely familiar with.

Above all, remain positive with your social media!

Contact StepUpYourRep for a free consultation today for more information about StepUpYourRep’s social media services.

The Social Media Guide for Business Owners: To follow or not to follow?

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Who should you follow through your business social media?

One of the greatest advantages of social media is the ability to connect your business with a large amount of people who you wouldn’t regularly connect with. You can make these connections through your posts and content. Another way to make those connections is by creating mutual follows with your customers through your business social media accounts. Social Media is a two way street; when you give a little love, you can get a little love. Keep in mind that these tips can be applied to all types of social media.

So who do I follow?

Strategy #1

You follow anyone who follows you. This is a good strategy if you are just starting out and don’t have too many followers. By using this “follow-back” strategy, you encourage your followers to further promote, love, and share your business with others. Having a “Mutual Follow” makes it less likely that those followers will ever decide to unfollow you. On a side note, keep in mind when following people that this is your business social media account, not your personal account.

So what if I have too many followers on your social media accounts and I can’t possibly keep track of everyone?

Strategy #2

You don’t have to necessarily follow everyone, especially if it is impossible to possibly keep track of all of your followers. For this strategy, follow back any of the followers who are truly valuable to your business. This includes anybody who regularly reposts the things you share on your social media and are consistently there to support your business. Investigate your followers, do any of them have a large number of followers themselves? The more followers they have, the more valuable these networkers can be to your business.

What else should I know?

Strategy #3

Another thing to remember is that while creating mutual follows with your customers is a great way to network, it’s not the only way to give back that little love. When a customer comments on your posts with valuable feedback (whether it is a concern, compliment or question), you should make it a rule to respond to as many as possible. If someone took the time to comment on your posts treat it as any other social interaction. That means thanking them and remaining respectful to their opinions. The internet is most definitely NOT the place to get defensive or argumentative.

Take the time to go and like posts on your customers’ social media accounts whether or not you follow them. Do this especially if they make a post about your business or share something that you posted. This shows customers how attentive and aware you are as a business owner.

Social Media Management takes time and a significant amount of attention. This is another added stress, but it is crucial to your business’ quality of customer service and customers will definitely notice the attitude you present in your interactions on social media.

Above all, remain positive with your social media! Contact StepUpYourRep for a free consultation today for more information about StepUpYourRep’s social media services.

The Social Media Guide For Business Owners: Instagram Edition

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StepUpYourRep in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

So you know you need to get involved with social media, but you’re really not sure to how to navigate social media as a business owner. Should you be on all of the social media websites?  What kind of posts should you make on facebook vs. twitter? These, among other questions, are probably what make you hesitate about the whole social media marketing craze.  Don’t be disenchanted with social media and avoid it, it’s a cost free and relatively risk free way to advertise. Consulting with specialists might be a good option for you, but to get a head start on the whole process, we have a beginner’s guide to social media.


Instagram is the best way in Social Media to market your business and products. With Instagram you can market your business’ personality and image, which is a crucial aspect of your online reputation.

Can I get good quality pictures with Instagram?

Yes! What’s great about Instagram that with adequate lighting and a smart phone, you can take a picture of pretty much anything and edit the photo exactly how you’d like it edited. The really unique aspect of Instagram is the user-friendly settings with a wide selection of pre-set color filters. The filters can completely change the attitude of your photograph or video.

How can Instagram market my business?

With Instagram, you can take photographs of the products you sell or the food you serve and present them in an attractive way to your customers. People won’t be able to resist whatever you have taken a photo of. When you focus attention on specific products or services, those products gather special attention and gather a lot of attention from potential customers. It’s a great way to advertise products without any cost to you.

How do I connect with customers on Instagram?

In the same way you can tag people in Facebook photos and add hashtags on Twitter, Instagram offers these tools too. What does this mean? Customers can do the marketing for you! They can take photographs inside your business and of your products then share it with their friends. This is commonly done these days. People endorse products and places on Instagram and that means more business for you in the end.

What should I not do on Instagram as a business owner?

Don’t just take photographs of all your products and hope they all get attention. This will detract from your goals on Instagram. Pick and choose products you want to highlight. And when choosing these products, do keep in mind how they will translate in photographs. Lastly, as with all social media marketing, keep things mostly professional!

Instagram is a really effective and creative way to show off your favorite aspects of your business. It’s simple and cost effective and that’s something that all business owners could use a bit more of in their lives.

Above all, remain positive with your social media!

Contact StepUpYourRep for a free consultation today for more information about StepUpYourRep’s Social Media Services.

The Social Media Guide For Business Owners: Twitter Edition

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So you know you need to get involved with social media, but you’re really not sure to how to navigate social media as a business owner. Should you be on all of the social media websites?  What kind of posts should you make on facebook vs. twitter? These, among other questions, are probably what make you hesitate about the whole social media marketing craze.  Don’t be disenchanted with social media and avoid it, it’s a cost free and relatively risk free way to advertise. Consulting with specialists might be a good option for you, but to get a head start on the whole process, we have a beginner’s guide to social media.


Twitter is the best social media website for the clever minded business owner. Marketing through Twitter is about being quick and on the ball.

What’s the best way to market my business in a unique way in 140 characters?

Don’t say the same thing every time you tweet. If someone follows your business, it’s not because they want to hear your business’ mission statement every 24 hours. Think of new things to say about your business, or even just how your day is going. Not everything has to be so rigid on Twitter if you own a small and local business.

How can I get people to actually follow and retweet me?

Your followers want the unexpected but they do expect you to maintain a rhythm to your tweets. This is where that “quick” aspect comes in. You should always be thinking of new things to say to your Twitter followers that will keep them checking your tweets. Remember: To get some love, you also have to give some love. Follow and retweet other people, especially when they tweet about your business. Keep up to date with current events and involve yourself in the community through Twitter.

What should I not do on Twitter as a business owner?

Decide the tone of your Twitter (Professional or Personal) from the beginning. And even if you do decide to make your business’ Twitter personal, always keep it professional in some aspects. This means you should always question whatever you post before you post it, is it too personal or political?

Don’t let Twitter intimidate you, those 140 characters fill up quicker than you can imagine once you get started.

Above all, remain positive with your social media!

Contact StepUpYourRep for a free consultation today for more information about StepUpYourRep’s social media services.

Does the negative outweigh the positive online?

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It has been debated over the past couple of years if businesses are really affected by negative online reviews. A recent survey proves that consumers do pay close attention to reviews, regardless of how viable those reviews are. Eighty percent of consumers in the survey stated that negative reviews will change their mind about whether or not to buy a product or service from a business. The good news is that eighty seven percent of the people in the same survey said that positive reviews will reinforce their decisions to buy from a business. This larger percentage offers hope for business owners who ask whether this whole online marketing opportunity is worth the hassle. The reality is that with the positive and negative aspects included, businesses cannot ignore what goes on with their reputations online.  While only a very small amount of their customers take the time to review their experiences with businesses, they are the customers whose reviews new and potential customers rely on. The potential risk and gain is great here for business owners. Business owners should focus on encouraging positive online feedback among their satisfied customers and seek outside help through Online Reputation Management Companies. There is a critical need for business owners to take action to improve their online reputation.

Contact StepUpYourRep to learn how you can get a sense of control over online negativity

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Le Méridien Review: The meeting place of cultures in Philadelphia, PA

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Le Méridien in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

My family always likes to have a luxurious experience when travelling, but we also like the experience of travelling outside of the box. Le Méridien was a great option for us purely because it was the perfect combination of these two things. Designed to have a European flare, I found Le Méridien to be a chic and fun experience. The interior design was truly, truly a sight to see and there was this consistency and flow to the hotel that really worked in its favor.

The furniture and colors of the room were very modern and very luxurious. There was no indication that the room had been stayed in by previous guests, that’s how impeccable it was. The color choices were bold in black, white, and red, but not overbearing. It was all still a really comfortable experience! My kids loved the room so much, they didn’t even mind being away from home and their friends for a week.

Lastly, I must mention the location. Philadelphia is a wonderful city, a cultural epicenter in so many ways. The opportunities to enjoy great food, art, and history are abundant. I find the city to be such an inspirational place to visit. Le Méridien cultivates that inspiration in the design of the hotel and welcoming aspect of its service. I’m so glad I got to be at this meeting place of cultures and stay in such a great hotel.

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Bella Vista Review: A real Philadelphia, PA experience

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Bella Vista Bed and Breakfast in Philadelphia, PA

When I think about the city of Philadelphia, I think about the rich history it has to offer as one of the oldest cities in the country. So when I decided to visit for the weekend, my husband and I wanted to leave behind the chain hotels and seek an authentic Philadelphian hotel experience.  Through the internet, I found the Bella Vista Bed and Breakfast. On a budget, this was the perfect night’s stay as it was only 95 dollars for one night. That’s an incredible rate for a bed and breakfast, which are usually overpriced due to little room availability. As the largest bed and breakfast in the city, Bella Vista has 21 different sized rooms to offer guests nightly.

Each room is decorated individually, giving everything a homey and authentic feel. I felt like I was staying in a historical house from the eighteenth century the night I stayed at Bella Vista. The bed was really quite comfortable and I enjoyed the modern amenity of having a  television in my room, which not all bed and breakfasts offer. What really impressed me was that the breakfast in the morning was delivered to my own kitchen in my room. This made everything so much less stressful. I could enjoy breakfast at my own pace in my pajamas while getting ready in the morning. It was just like being in my own home. I was lucky to get a room with a balcony, which had a great view of the city skyline and I enjoyed my breakfast peacefully.

With such a great location, its hard not to love Bella Vista Bed and Breakfast.  I enjoyed some lovely local restaurants and was able to easily access some of the city’s great historical landmarks like the Liberty Bell. This was a great way to get the real Philly feel on a budget!

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Vetri Review: The authentic Italian experience in Philadelphia, PA

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Vetri in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Vetri might be the warmest restaurant in the city of Philadelphia. Every diner is treated like a guest in a restaurant in Italy. The owner, Chef Vetri, built the restaurant up to be the authentic Italian experience in Philadelphia and he really does understand that experience as a former chef in Italy, itself.  After returning to his home city of Philadelphia, Chef Vetri wanted to take all that he learned working in Italy and evolve that into his idyllic Italian restaurant. And so came the opening in 1998 of his flagship restaurant Vetri. Since then, Chef Vetri has opened more restaurants throughout the city.  The building that is Vetri’s home has a long history of fine dining as the former home to Philadelphia’s Le Bec Fin. Vetri meets up to that reputation as the new classic restaurant of Philadelphia. And as I said earlier, I found that Vetri was a welcoming and warm dining experience like no other in the city. Chef Vetri has designed a unique tasting menu that samples the variety of foods and flavors that the restaurant has to offer.  The four assortments to choose from are di Pesce, di Terra, di Verdure, and Dolce, all with enough variety to feel as though you have the options on a regular menu. While every menu item is refined to perfection, dining guests do pay the price of 155 dollars per person to reserve their spot in the 30 seat dining room. For a taste of Chef Vetri’s skill, I recommend to his Pizzeria Vetri in Fairmount for a cheaper experience. But I do encourage everyone to treat themselves and their loved ones once in a while and to do so here at Vetri.

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Barbuzzo is humming with energy in Philadelphia, PA

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Barbuzzo in Philadelphia, PA

Philadelphia restaurateurs Chef Marcie Turney and Valerie Safran understand the perfect recipe for a successful restaurant in this city. Having opened multiple restaurants and stores around Philadelphia, the pair is unstoppable when it comes to achieving their goals as business owners. Their restaurant, Barbuzzo, opened in 2011 and has received national critical acclaim as one of the best new restaurants of that year. With all of the good vibes surrounding the restaurant, I decided to check it out with some of my friends on a Friday night.

Humming with energy, Barbuzzo was an electric experience from beginning to end. The crowd at Barbuzzo was young and fresh-faced; I really enjoyed the whole atmosphere that surrounded everyone there. The kitchen is open most nights until midnight, which offers a nice range of time for all types of diners. As a Mediterranean restaurant, I would have expected a romantically decorated dining room, but instead was greeted with very modern décor. Everything was simple in wood and metal, nothing was over-done or too in-your-face. Heck, I wish my dining room had that furniture now. But look and crowd aside, I knew that the food was the most important part of any restaurant experience.

I must say, the food lived up to the high expectations I had set for Barbuzzo when I went in. My friends and I ordered an assortment of food from the dinner menu, but if I could describe the food in one word, it would be sumptuous. Everything was so incredibly delicious and well prepared; it was hard to concentrate on just your meal. After sharing a cured meat board, I ordered a Cassarecce pasta dish. What I loved about the menu was that although the menu items seemed foreign, the ingredients were listed and had such intriguing pairings that I was enticed to try so many different items off the menu. As both a restaurant and bar, Barbuzzo offers a wide selection of wines and beverages. My friends and I spent hours just sitting, drinking, and indulging in such a wonderful experience. I will definitely return to Barbuzzo and make sure to keep an eye out for what Chef Marcie Turney and Valerie Safran have in store for Philadelphia.

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The Westin Hotel Review: A contemporary classic in Philadelphia, PA

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The Westin Hotel in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

The Westin Hotel in Philadelphia is an impressive spot to stay. Whether it is with family or for a business trip, a stay at The Westin provides all of the accommodations a guest might ever need. The landmarks of Philadelphia are just a walk away for any vacationer, while the business meeting rooms are professional and well managed for the business man or woman. Everything about The Westin appeals to the fine tastes of all guests. Clean, straight lines and perfectly color coded neutrals let you know immediately that The Westin is in the business of contemporary perfection. The Westin has found a perfect balance for its guests, letting them know that their stay will be comfortable and clean. Down to every last detail, the accommodations are tailored to the Westin’s high standards. The hotel also features a signature bed and bath to every one of its 310 rooms.

For such a prime location in the heart of the Philadelphia downtown area, The Westin has spacious rooms and is full of charming, helpful staff. The service is spectacular, reminding one of the old days of guest service in hotels. What makes The Westin stand out though is that it maintains that needed modern touch. It is refreshing to know that The Westin takes quality seriously in its consideration of guests’ experiences. Proclaimed by so many as a five star experience, a stay at The Westin Hotel is an unforgettable one.

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