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The Social Media Guide For Business Owners: Twitter Edition


The Social Media Guide For Business Owners: Twitter Edition

Philadelphia Online Reputation Management No Comment

So you know you need to get involved with social media, but you’re really not sure to how to navigate social media as a business owner. Should you be on all of the social media websites?  What kind of posts should you make on facebook vs. twitter? These, among other questions, are probably what make you hesitate about the whole social media marketing craze.  Don’t be disenchanted with social media and avoid it, it’s a cost free and relatively risk free way to advertise. Consulting with specialists might be a good option for you, but to get a head start on the whole process, we have a beginner’s guide to social media.


Twitter is the best social media website for the clever minded business owner. Marketing through Twitter is about being quick and on the ball.

What’s the best way to market my business in a unique way in 140 characters?

Don’t say the same thing every time you tweet. If someone follows your business, it’s not because they want to hear your business’ mission statement every 24 hours. Think of new things to say about your business, or even just how your day is going. Not everything has to be so rigid on Twitter if you own a small and local business.

How can I get people to actually follow and retweet me?

Your followers want the unexpected but they do expect you to maintain a rhythm to your tweets. This is where that “quick” aspect comes in. You should always be thinking of new things to say to your Twitter followers that will keep them checking your tweets. Remember: To get some love, you also have to give some love. Follow and retweet other people, especially when they tweet about your business. Keep up to date with current events and involve yourself in the community through Twitter.

What should I not do on Twitter as a business owner?

Decide the tone of your Twitter (Professional or Personal) from the beginning. And even if you do decide to make your business’ Twitter personal, always keep it professional in some aspects. This means you should always question whatever you post before you post it, is it too personal or political?

Don’t let Twitter intimidate you, those 140 characters fill up quicker than you can imagine once you get started.

Above all, remain positive with your social media!

Contact StepUpYourRep for a free consultation today for more information about StepUpYourRep’s social media services.

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